Friday, November 24, 2017

Henry Ford..Cash Only!

Henry Ford turned the presidency of Ford Motor Company over to his son Edsel Ford in December 1918. Henry retained final decision authority and sometimes reversed the decisions of his son. Ford started another company, Henry Ford and Son, and made a show of taking himself and his best employees to the new company; the goal was to scare the remaining holdout stockholders of the Ford Motor Company to sell their stakes to him before they lost most of their value. (He was determined to have full control over strategic decisions.) The ruse worked, and Ford and Edsel purchased all remaining stock from the other investors, thus giving the family sole ownership of the company.[17]
By the mid-1920s, sales of the Model T began to decline due to rising competition. Other auto makers offered payment plans through which consumers could buy their cars, which usually included more modern mechanical features and styling not available with the Model T. Despite urgings from Edsel, Henry refused to incorporate new features into the Model T or to form a customer credit plan.[18]

This article was it bit shocking in my eyes.  Ford was such an innovator and always one step ahead of everyone but did not make payment plans to counter his competition or to bring his sales growth back to the top.  Other companies at the time took several steps ahead with new innovations and with the down turn of the economy the payment plan made perfect sense...will have to keep digging for information on why Ford was skeptical about the idea.

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